Monday, April 29, 2013

C's Toy Story 2nd Birthday Party

57. Give a gift a month

Two years ago I was given the greatest, most rewarding gift of my life: my son. I have spent the past few months collecting ideas off of Pinterest, making stuff, planning, prepping, and pouring my heart into the best Toy Story Birthday Party I could possibly throw for C for his 2nd birthday. He loves the Toy Story series and everyone in our house can probably recite the movies line-by-line (even the cat and dog!) so I knew he would love a Toy Story party. Here is a little look into his magical birthday party!

The guests were greeted at the door by Buzz Lightyear and several army men welcoming them into the house (Notice the duct tape trying to keep my mini etch-a-sketch up? Failed attempts included hot glue, packaging tape, and ultimately, duct tape).

Immediately upon entering the house it was apparent that the army men were keeping the party under control (or maybe actually trying to get a taste of the cake...) There were dozens of little green army guys hanging from the ceiling and making their way toward the kitchen counters or hanging out on top of the cabinets keeping guard. We even had a few parachuters caught in the act of dropping from the ceiling.

For the second year in a row we lucked out with beautiful weather for the party which is a great thing because the inside of our house is a little bit too small to entertain the number of people we invited. All of the food, drinks, tables, and entertainment were set up on the patio or in the backyard where we were able to enjoy the toasty upper 70's and sunshine.

The tables were covered with craft paper and Sunnyside Art Boxes were provided to allow the guests to draw and color while enjoying the party.

Rex did his part by acting as a paperweight so the tablecloth and craft paper wouldn't blow away before the guests arrived.

Other forms of entertainment included:

A cardboard town consisting of a jail, saloon, hotel, and a cardboard cowboy and cowgirl.

You can see the "photobooth" with Andy's wallpaper as a background. We provided various cowboy hats, Woody's vest, an etch-a-sketch frame, and other signs and faces.

Horse Wranglin could be found in the backyard where the kids could try to throw the hula hoop around the horse's neck.

And the can game where bean bags were used to knock over Evil Mr. Potato Head.

All of the guests were invited to dress up as their favorite Toy Story character and we had a few little ones and one very brave mommy join E and I in costume.

 Here I am with my Jessie inspired outfit including homemade cow print chaps, a red headband and a yellow necklace. My dear husband is the fashionable Ken standing beside me. 
The resemblance is uncanny!

C was supposed to be Woody in the yellow TWO shirt that I made him and a Woody vest that I also made for him. He could not be bothered to change into his jeans and put on his cowboy hat though. And, naturally, this the best picture I could even get in his outfit because my sweet little toddler NEVER STOPS MOVING.

The food all played into the Toy Story theme as well.

We had Bullseye's Carrots and Ranch, some watermelon cut into the shape of 2's, and Barbie's Fruit Cups.

The main course consisted of  Slinky's Dogs, Hamm's Burgers, and Woody's PB&J's (cut into the shape of cowboy boots, sheriff's badges, cowboy hats, and rocket ships), and additional sides included Mrs. Potato's Chips and Slinky's Pasta Salad.

In addition to the beer and soda (and eventually wine), we had some "Two InfiniTEA" iced tea. After the party was over and I was putting leftovers away I discovered that we forgot to put out all of the kid's drinks so the poor little ones were stuck with water or soda... Way to go...

I found these adorable Army Men Gummies on

Jessie and Woody were handing out Sheriff's Badges for the kids to wear and keeping an eye on Bonnie's Poison Jelly Beans.

I made some chocolate Mr. Potato's Mustaches and my fantastic cake maker made some red velvet cake pops to resemble the yellow ball from the movie.

Check out the beautiful job my friend did on C's cake. AMAZING! Please don't hesitate to ask if you would like her contact info! I have already placed an order for chocolate covered strawberries (including two that look like a bride and groom) plus cake pops for my sister's wedding rehearsal dinner. 

I still can't believe my sweet baby boy is already TWO!

The Happy Birthday sign was the first project that I worked on for his party =)

Even Lotso had a good time at the party! Thanks again to everyone that came to celebrate with us! We had a fantastic time and are grateful for the excellent friends and family that we get to enjoy these special occasions with!


  1. This is amazing! C is so lucky to have such a creative mom!

  2. “You're the best mom!” - That's definitely what C would tell you for giving him a great party like this. You thought and planned this very well. From the decorations to the costumes, which I think was the best part of everything; its all amazing. I'm sure he'll be looking forward for his birthday next year. #Tucker @
