Monday, June 3, 2013

May Madness

Wow. May was crazy. I mean, ridiculously full of stuff to do every second of every day crazy. So now, you will be forced to go through my WHOLE month of day zero list accomplishments. Enjoy!

38. Start a vegetable garden

Do you remember my post about my little plants that I grew from seeds a few months ago? Well, here are my veggie babies planted all in a row in my backyard! Aren't they beautiful?! My little mini garden contains a bucket load of Bok Choy, Swiss Chard, some red peppers, and cucumbers. I also have a bit of a fruit garden growing including cherry tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries. And they all seem to be thriving!

65. Go to the zoo once a month (12/33)

We took a nice early trip to the zoo on Mother's Day (and a good thing we went early because it got busy, fast!). The winning animal of this zoo trip was, BY FAR, the sea lion. We did a bit of wandering around but stuck by the sea lions for their 10 AM show because it's C's favorite event.

Per the norm, the last trick when the sea lion jumps out of the water to hit the ball with her nose was C's favorite part. In fact, the WHOLE time we were there he just kept saying "ball!" and pointing to the ball. After the show we wandered around a bit but ended up back at the sea lions, this time at the under water viewing area where we saw one of the sea lions swimming around.

Initial reaction: whoa.

Next reaction: cool!

After a short bit of time, the other two sea lions came out and C got to watch all three swimming around for a REALLY LONG TIME.

94. Buy flowers once a month for the house (12/33)

It was raining flowers this May!

My Mother's Day flowers from the boys
My just because from hubby flowers
Birthday flowers from my friend V that C helped her pick out!
56. Donate once a year (clothes, toys, etc)(1/3)

In preparation for the company coming in for my sister's wedding, we did a little bit of garage spring cleaning. We went through EVERYTHING including all of my gajillion bins of clothes and threw everything that we didn't need into bags to be be donated to Good Will. Most of it was clothes, but we did end up donating a box of mugs and other miscellaneous stuff. I'm sure there is plenty more that we can purge from the house, but we will save that for another day when we somehow have the time to go through everything.

61. Dinner date with friends once a month (8/29)

We had so many dinner dates with friends this month that I don't even know which one to pick.

1. We started the month with the Cinco de Mayo couple's shower that I blogged about last time
2. Next was my sister's bachelorette party which included dinner at this awesome little restaurant downtown called The Corner Office
3. The next weekend was my Soy Vay House Party
4. The following weekend was wedding weekend which started with the rehearsal dinner, 5. the wedding, and 6. the memorial day/post wedding BBQ

I'm pretty sure we had a sufficient amount of dinner dates with friends and family this month!

39. Build a campfire

We had a Memorial Day/Post Wedding BBQ at my parents' house on Monday so I brought over the fixin's for s'mores that we never ended up making at C's birthday party. After we ate, I set up the fire pit and built a fire to roast marshmallows over.

I'm not gonna lie... It was a lot easier than I thought it would be....

64. Go swimming once a month (8/29)

On wedding day E was in charge of entertaining C and wearing him out so that he would take a nap before the ceremony. He took him to the heated indoor/outdoor pool at the lodge and let him swim around and get tired. I wasn't actually there to enjoy the pool time since I was getting prepped for the wedding, but I hear they had a good time with the exception of a horseshoe to E's head....

I asked my daddio to snag a picture for me :)

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