Friday, January 3, 2014

Curacao, Game Night, and a New Year's Resolution

This post will consist mostly of pictures since I am, once again, so very far behind. Maybe I will make it my New Year's Resolution to be better about my blog. Let's see how that goes once the baby arrives! Honestly though, starting today I will be SO much better about it.

6. Go on a tropical vacation

My fantastically wonderful parents got us a super early Christmas present many, many, months ago and booked us all a trip to Curacao! Curacao is one of three islands called the ABC islands (Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao) just north of Venezuela. Mid-November E, C, and I joined my parents, my sister, and my brother-in-law on our vacation and it could not have come at a better time. There is nothing better than a tropical vacation when it is nowhere near tropical outside. We rented a VRBO (Vacation Rental By Owner) for the seven of us with an infinity pool and the ocean right in our backyard.

Curacao is a great destination for scuba diving because the coral reefs are accessible by shore diving so you don't have to pay for transportation by boat to get to good dive spots. We are all scuba divers so naturally this was a scuba vacation. I, obviously, can not scuba dive in my current state so I missed out on that fun. However, C and I did not miss out on our water time. Every morning he woke up, drank his milk while looking at out the ocean from his beach chair on the patio, then changed into his swimsuit and went swimming. Some days we would make him get out of the pool so that he could go hang out at the beach and swim in the ocean. Other days he would just get out after an hour or so, maybe take a nap, and always get back in at least one more time that day. He was in heaven.

Therefore, I am going to say that we made up all of our missed swimming months and call us good for the rest of 2013! I mean seriously, some days he was in the water for like 6 whole hours! It was ridiculous.

61. Dinner/lunch date with friends once a month (15/29)

What is better than your friends calling you up around dinner time and spontaneously asking you to go grab dinner since they haven't seen you in a while? Not much. :) In November we had a nice dinner date with our friends and their boys at Chipotle. I really need to work on my spontaneity!

In December we made plans to go to Comedy Works (30. Go to a comedy club) with a couple E works with as a birthday celebration. We decided to go to Ted's Montana Grill for dinner beforehand. It was a wicked cold evening so we had to freeze our butts off walking downtown, but it was well worth it. The comedy club was a blast, too. I really liked the guy that we saw and had a very good time!

59. Host a board game night

I was selected by HouseParty to host a Party More with Hasbro House Party. They sent me a party kit with a bucket load of Cheetos Naturals, coupons, party crowns, and the games Funny or Die, Catch Phrase, Taboo,  and Draw Something.

Draw Something was a huge hit with kids (of course) and Catch Phrase was a favorite for the adults. They were actually all very fun games.

We all know how I love a theme party! Soooooo, the menu included Jenga cheese and crackers and some Domino brownies.

94. Buy flowers once a month for the house (18-19/33)

Sticking to the seasons....
November is full of fall colors:

What else would expect for December??

57. Give a gift a month (14-15/29)

My November gift was a gift to myself: a massage. Why? Because growing a baby is hard work and I say I deserve some pampering for it :)

December is full of gifts due to Christmas time. I really prefer making Christmas gifts if I can find something that I know someone would truly appreciate. Last year I made my mom a wine cork wreath and my cousin really liked it. This year, I decided to make her one as well! They are not difficult to make, but super time consuming. I love how it turned out! This was probably one of my favorite gifts to give this year.

65. Go to the zoo once a month (17-18/33)

Our November trip to the zoo was a date with D and Z. We thought, "Hey, let's go to the zoo on Black Friday because no one will be there because they will all be shopping!". Wrong. So wrong. It was busy first thing in the morning. Not miserably busy, but still. There should never be that many people at the zoo during the daytime in the winter. It was still fun though.

C tried swimming with the penguins

The hippo was actually out of the water!

Our December zoo trip was actually at the beginning of this week to zoo lights. We decided to go on a Monday night this year since last year we went on a weekend night and it was ridiculously packed (and seriously cold). This year was much better although it was definitely still busy.

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