Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Good Company, Karma, and Eats

The past few weeks were jam-packed and fun-filled with good company, good karma, and good food.

94. Buy flowers once a month for the house
There is nothing wrong with adding a little bit of color to your life. 

(Image from
83. Try a new recipe every month 
Our recipe of choice for this month was Lemon Chicken with Broccoli over Angel Hair Pasta courtesy of 

Most of our recipes come from Weight Watchers for several reasons:
i) Healthy
ii) Typically milk product free or easily modified to be milk free
iii) 90% of the time the recipes turn out awesome. 

This recipe met all of the above categories and will certainly be added to the favorites list.

55. Pay for the person behind me at Starbucks
Why not? I'm sure I made his day just a little bit brighter.

95. Watch 26 movies we've never seen starting with each letter of the alphabet
IMDb - Chronicle

E and I watched two new movies for our list in the past few weeks. The first was Chronicle. This was a very strange movie about a few high school kids that get superpowers. It had a bit of a Blair Witch Project feel to it as it was made to be like a home movie. Overall, weird...

IMDb - The Woman in Black

The second movie we watched was The Woman In Black. I do not like scary movies because I am a big baby and don't particularly enjoy creepy/gross people and/or things jumping out at me. That being said, I have no clue why I agreed to watch this movie. I really only saw a small fraction of the it due to the fact that I was covering my eyes with my hands to shield me from anything remotely surprising or graphic. 

64. Go to the zoo once a month for a year
If you are from around here, you know that it has been ridiculously hot in Colorado this past week with record breaking temperatures, our typical dry air, and absolutely no relief from the heat. If you are not from around here and are not experiencing this horrible heat, I am very envious of you. We had planned well in advance to take our monthly trip to the zoo on Sunday and figured we would get there really early before it got too hot. Unfortunately, I don't think it even cooled down to 70 degrees overnight, so by the time we got up Sunday morning it was already 73 degrees outside and the temperature was quickly rising. Because we made plans to meet up with C's friend and his parents who also have a zoo pass, we decided to go forward with our plans. We got there shortly before 9AM and immediately made a quick stop in the feline building to see Makar the baby Amur leopard. Amur leopard are critically endangered and there are believed to be only about 40 in the wild. The zoo keeper that was in the feline building was talking about how old Makar's mother is and how lucky it was that she gave birth to him.

From there we went to meet up with C's friend in the Elephant Passage. We walked around a bit and looked at the elephants and the Gibbons. We went inside one of the buildings and C discovered the rhino outside, saw some otters and bats, and looked at the water cat ("kitty!") with daddy.

At this point we all knew it was going to be a REALLY quick trip to the zoo because it was just entirely too hot and we were all miserable. We swung by the penguins and wandered over to the bears and called it a day. It was a very short trip, but it was still very nice to enjoy the company of good friends and get out to see some animals.

43. Go out for sushi
We ended Sunday at Happy Sumo Restaurant and Sushi Bar for dinner with our friends S and J. I cannot tell you how glad I am that they joined us for our sushi adventure. There are so many options on the menu that I would have been entirely too overwhelmed to choose and either would have run away screaming or ended up ordering something topped with a giant raw fish if we had gone alone. Because S works at the restaurant, she had a pretty good idea about what we would like, what we wouldn't, and offered plenty of suggestions.

I didn't get too adventurous as the thought of eating raw fish still totally grosses me out, but I did try sushi containing raw salmon and tuna. Even E ate sushi with us which is kind of a huge deal if you know his eating habits. One really nice thing about our dinner was we each ordered two types of sushi and then shared between the four of us so we had the opportunity to try a bunch of different types. J ordered some sushi containing cooked eel. Trying one of his rolls allows me to check one of ten off of 46. Try 10 new interesting foods. Because it was wrapped in rice, seaweed, and whatever else was in the roll, I couldn't even pick out out the eel flavor.

Even though C misbehaved pretty much the whole dinner and we had to trade off distracting him and walking him around outside, we had a great time with our friends and had the opportunity to try new food at the same time. After many years of trying to convince myself to like sushi, I can finally say that I truly do like it.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Glad you had a good time and liked the food. Lets do dinner together again soon.
