Wednesday, August 29, 2012

My very first sewing project and Recipes Galore

41. Learn to sew

This was definitely my most challenging day zero project item so far in so many ways. I never learned how to sew. My grandma always took care of the sewing and I waited too long to ask her to teach me how so I got to learn on my own. Her sewing machine was sitting unused in my sister's house so I brought it home and got to work. Little did I know that learning to thread the machine would be the hardest part of learning to sew. E and I worked really hard to figure out how to thread it and after a few days finally figured it out. Then came figuring out how to adjust the thread tension. Every time I tried to sew on any material, the thread would get all jammed up under the fabric and I'd have to re-thread the machine and start over. This got old REALLY fast and after a ton of cursing and yelling and fuming my mom mentioned that the thread tension on the machine never worked quite right. Great...

In conclusion, I picked the world's worst sewing machine to try to learn to sew on. I ended up borrowing my mother-in-law's extra sewing machine and it immediately ran as smooth as butter!

Now, what motivated me to learn to sew right now? Well, we are going out of town for a wedding soon and will be flying on an airplane with a toddler sharing my or E's seat. ~Insert cringe here~ Needless to say, I have been racking my brain for anything that can possibly keep him busy and distracted while he is forced to sit still during take-off (totally unheard of - C does NOT sit still EVER). While perusing my good friend Pinterest the other day, I stumbled upon the idea of I-spy bags and decided to make one.

It's crooked, the stitching looks like a child did it, and the size of the edges are uneven, but I am so incredibly proud of myself! I really hope C likes it and it at least keeps him interested for a bit. 

Notice the mini Toy Story characters? The green fleece pretty much matches his Toy Story themed I-spy bag perfectly.

80. Make a custom recipe book from our favorite recipes

My custom recipe books that I made on Shutterfly came in the mail today and I could not possibly be more excited or pleased! I collected a bunch of our favorite recipes from various cookbooks, print-offs, and Pinterest and put them all together in two books. Who knew we have more than 40 go-to recipes? Making our grocery list every week will be even easier now.

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