Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Solving the Murder

34. Attend a Murder Mystery dinner

For several months before my birthday I had this grand plan to have a birthday celebration at the Adam's Mystery Playhouse. I have always wanted to try a murder mystery dinner just because they sound like so much fun. Well, with all the April/May madness and party after party after party (should I keep going?) I totally dropped the ball on it and was just too tired to try to arrange the event. Instead I was fine with doing a  Sip and Paint with the girls and then a small informal BBQ the weekend after my birthday.

I know what you are thinking: Only two birthday celebrations?! It's the sacrifices I have to make when I'm too exhausted to party plan. ;)

So anyway, we went to C's friend's 2nd birthday party on Saturday (by the way, he picked THE BEST DAY to be born and totally shares the same birthday as yours truly) and then went over to my parents' house to pick some stuff up for the BBQ the next day. We ended up just sitting around outside and letting C entertain himself and chatting with my parents for a while. Now, at this time I would like to point out that E was trying really hard all day to get me to agree to go out to dinner or a movie and D had invited me to go with her and her mom and A shopping somewhere and I kept turning everyone down because I was just so tired and wanted to lay around and not move for the rest of the weekend.

Fast forward 30 minutes or so when T and D pulled into my parents' driveway. I didn't really think much about it at first because this was the weekend following the wedding so I figured they were picking something up or returning something. But then E started herding me into the backseat of their car. I was informed that we were going on a double date and that was all the information I was going to get. I had no clue where they were taking me until we were pulling into the parking lot. I was so surprised that they had planned this and really excited to see if it was as great as I hoped it would be. So we walk in the door and come face to face with an abundance of my closest friends! I was Totally. Blindsided. I seriously hadn't the slightest clue about any of it.

Since it was my birthday I was forced to play the special role of the doctor. They gave me a white lab coat and a stethoscope and warned me that I might be needed to help out during the séance. And here I am butchering the pronunciation of an apparently well known poison: strychnine (which I pronounced "strike-nine")...

Quick side note, take a look at this actor. Does he not look JUST LIKE Ed Helms from The Hangover?!

I have NEVER laughed so hard in my entire life. Ever. It was hilarious. The dinner was good, the actors were awesome, and we had so much fun.

And I am so ridiculously blessed with awesome friends!

But most importantly with a fantastic husband that would go through so much time, trouble, and effort to plan a surprise birthday party and somehow manage to get me there despite my refusal to go anywhere that night.

Now the story does not end here. A few of us were dawdling after the end of the show just checking things out and chit chatting and one of the owners came over and asked if we wanted a tour of the mansion. So because we were lolly-gagging around at the end we got a semi-private tour of the old mansion with a rundown of the history. It was really very cool. She even gave us an option to visit the upstairs with normal lighting or creepy lighting (we opted for the creepy lighting).

The customer service at Adam's Mystery Playhouse is absolutely phenomenal and it's experiences like this that make for great business. The shows are a bit pricey but I would not hesitate to do it again because we had such a good time and the owners really let you know that they care about your business.

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