Sunday, July 29, 2012

Banana Split Cupcakes and Llama Races

14. Burro Days

Every year in Fairplay, Colorado the Burro Days festival takes over the town and allows everyone to celebrate the roles that the burros played in the town's mining history. The festival runs the last weekend in July. I don't know if the schedule stays pretty static every year, but this year consisted of Llama races on Saturday, and Burro races and Outhouse races on Sunday. Yes, you read that correctly. Outhouse races. Teams build an outhouse and then must pull it during the race. I am a little disappointed that we didn't get to witness this event, but maybe another year.

We chose to attend Burro Days on Saturday and watched the llamas race down the street with their owners by their sides. This alone made the two hour drive totally worth it. Watching a bunch of llamas run down the road is pretty comical. There were a bunch of vendors that set up tents to sell their crafts, kettle corn, hot dogs and hamburgers, lemonade, etc. Games and bouncy castle type rides were set up in the park for entertainment. It was a very fun atmosphere and made you feel like you were stepping into the wild, wild west.

And for your viewing pleasure, THE LLAMA RACE!

94. Buy flowers once a month for the house

83. Try a new recipe every month (2)

We actually ended up trying 4 new recipes this month, two of which were complete failures. The first was Broccoli Noodle Kugel. E thought it was okay. I took two bites and told him to throw it out. The second failure was a rendition of peanut butter cookies that used pureed chickpeas for fiber and red pepper flakes for a kick. Again, I didn't love them and E thought they were just okay. I sent the rest to work with him and apparently the ladies at work didn't think they were that bad as they disappeared pretty quickly.

Anything tastes better with a maraschino cherry on top!
I was asked to make a cake for the cake-walk at the upcoming Fun Fest at my old grade school and the school my little cousins currently attend. I am always looking for an excuse to try new dessert recipes. The first recipe I tried was a Dulce de Leche recipe that came with a multi-cooker that I received. It turned out pretty well and was super good when served with whipped cream and frozen mixed berries. I did eventually decide that this was not the best choice for a cake-walk cake since it really should stay refrigerated. The second recipe I tried was Banana Split Cupcakes from my copy of Favorite Brand Name All-New Bake Sale Easy Breads that my mom gave me forever ago. The recipe calls for cake mix, mashed bananas, chopped and whole maraschino cherries, mini chocolate chips, some other typical cake ingredients and an awesome vanilla frosting/marshmallow creme mix on top. These cupcakes look adorable and taste fantastic. This recipe is definitely a keeper. If anyone wants it, just let me know and I can pass it on.

95. Watch 26 new movies we've never seen starting with each letter of the alphabet (M)

IMDb - Mirror Mirror
It seems as though we tend to watch a lot of movies that start with the same letters so this is the first movie in a few weeks that I can add to our list.

I actually went into this movie under the impression that it was the same movie as Snow White and the Huntsman.  It totally blows my mind that they made two completely separate remakes of the same movie within the same year. I still don't understand... Either way....

This movie was extremely cheesy at times (like the prince's white teeth sparkling when he smiles), but overall was a cute remake of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Julia Roberts was a great evil queen. I always really enjoy her acting.

64. Go to the zoo once a month for a year

*I've updated this goal and taken out the year limitation. I'm pretty certain we will end up renewing our pass once this one expires.

We got up bright and early this morning to get in our monthly trip to the zoo. Because we are members we get to enter the park 30 minutes before the general public which is one perk that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE. We tend to go everywhere really early in the day just to avoid the crowds of crazy people that seem to be found everywhere. We were able to check out the fossa (Carter's favorite and the bad guys from Madagascar), visit the baby amur leopard and his mom, check out the tigers, giraffes, penguins, and other animals in between all before the park even opened.


From there we checked out the elephants, rhinos, and gibbon monkeys at the Elephant Passage. We spent a bit of time watching the gibbon monkeys swing along the ropes in the exhibit. C started getting grumpy and tired by that time, so we decided to head back towards the exit. On our way out we stopped by the seals and sea lions and ended up going into the Tropical Discovery to see the fishes. Today was an awesome zoo trip because it was pretty quiet, a lot of the animals were out and about, and the weather was really nice.

My, what big ears you have!

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