Saturday, October 20, 2012

Race for the Cure and Zoo Dates

54. Race for the Cure

On Sunday, October 7th I walked the Susan G. Komen Denver Race for the Cure with E, C, my sister, and my parents. Last year was the first time I had participated in the event (thanks sister for inviting us) and absolutely plan on making it an annual tradition with my family. We walk in memory of my Grandma who lost her battle to breast cancer several years ago. We love you and miss you Grammy!!

64. Go to the zoo once a month

This month was extra special because we have already managed to make it to the zoo twice! Columbus day was an option floating holiday for me so I decided to take the day off for a zoo play date with a few of my friends and their kiddos. Unfortunately, one set was sick so our play date had to be rescheduled. Luckily, C and I called grandma and told her how sad C was that he wasn't going to get to go to the zoo the next morning and she agreed to go with us! We went shortly after they opened and it was great because it was so quiet. We had the whole zoo to ourselves. We checked out the lions who were out and about (mostly just sleeping though), watched the black rhinos (C was especially interested in them this trip), successfully diverted C from the carousel that he spotted, and spent some time at the monkeys.

I somehow managed to not get any good pictures this time around... so lucky for me I had another chance this month! Our play date was rescheduled for the following weekend. C and I drove down with D and her daughter and met J and her son and his grandma. D and I haven't seen J since high school so it was really great to see her and spend some time together with all of our little ones.

For the first time that I can remember, the hippo was out and about wandering around his exhibit. The kids seemed particularly interested him.

Z really enjoyed the elephants.

And we even got to see a tiger jump at a window trying to pounce on a child.

83. Try a new recipe every month (5/33)

S was looking for volunteers to try a recipe for an internship assignment so I volunteered E and I. The recipe is Black Bean and Salmon Tostadas. We were all a bit hesitant about the canned salmon that is used in this recipe and E and I actually picked up the wrong kind (take EXTRA care to not get canned salmon WITH skin) and had to hold off making it for a few days. Once we had the correct ingredients we did end up making it and enjoying it. Even C had some of the tostada shell with a tiny bit of black bean paste on it.

There are a few things I would try differently next time around. One, I would either make sure to make my salmon chunks smaller or substitute ground chicken or even go vegetarian. Second, I think it needed a bit more jalapenos to give it more of a kick. I really liked the use of coleslaw mix as a substitute for shredded lettuce that you would normally see on tostadas. I particularly like this recipe because it is low calorie and extremely filling because it is so full of fiber.

94. Buy flowers once a month for the house (5/33)

I totally forgot to take a picture of my flowers right away so forgive the fact that they are already drooping in this picture....

95. Watch 26 movies we've never seen starting with each letter of the alphabet

IMDb - Snow White and the Huntsman

The movie this time around was Snow White and the Huntsman. I was actually really excited to see this one because the previews looked really good despite that fact that it has one of my very least favorite actresses in it (Kristen Stewart <-- blah!). Overall I enjoyed the movie. It was darker than you would imagine a Snow White remake, full of adventure, and had a nice little love triangle in it. There were a few things that just didn't make sense (like a horse magically waiting right where she would need it), but maybe I need to believe in the magic of the story a little more. There were two major points that really annoyed me. One, her true love kisses her, she wakes from her slumber, and then they don't mention it again? Lame. Two, I won't tell you because I don't want to give it away. You will have to watch and and I am positive you will know what the second really annoying thing was. Again, overall I give it a decent review.


  1. I used fresh jalapeno instead of canned on the tostadas which gave it some good spice. Try that next time!

    1. Good advice! I will try that! Did you still you pickled jalapeno juice to mix with the coleslaw mix?
