Wednesday, December 19, 2012


90.Complete the 30 Day Shred in 30 days

For the very first time in my life, I worked out every day for 30 days straight. That. Is. Crazy.

So a while back we bought Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred workout DVD. We made it something like 12 days in (over the span of about 15-16 days) and then for whatever reason quit doing it. Well, this time we vowed to work out every night after putting C down for bed, for 30 days straight - no "break" days thrown in there, and without complaining (Okay, that's not true. There was plenty of that.). We kept track of our countdown on the whiteboard on the refrigerator and stuck with it.

A few things I love about this DVD:

1) You can do it at home. If I had to go to the gym to workout, it would never happen. I would never find the time and excuses would be way too easy to come up with.

2) It takes less than a half hour once a day. That is absolutely not unreasonable.

3) You do 3 rotations of strength, cardio, and abs. Everything is quickly paced and you get a whole body workout. Plus, you are never doing the same thing for very long so just when you think you can't do it anymore, you move on to a new exercise and a new focus on another part of your body.

4) I could absolutely feel a difference after only a few days into the challenge. (I'm a sucker for instant gratification)

The only Con I can really thing of is that it is hard on your knees. I have terrible knees so it doesn't take much to make them hurt. She does offer modifications for beginners and people with injuries or bad knees, so that is really nice. Level 3 is actually my favorite, probably because it is easiest on my knees.

So if you know me, you probably know that I hate exercise and will pretty much do anything to not have to exercise. Ever. Well, prepare yourself. I ACTUALLY kind of like doing these workouts....

Yep. I said it.

After taking a few days off so I could attempt to recover from this cold that just won't go away, we started round 2 of the 30 Day Challenge. We went back to level 1 (which was SOOO much easier this time around) and are going to do it all over again. Maybe this will help counter the damage the holiday goodies are sure to wreak...

94. Buy flowers once a month for the house (7/33)

I actually do not need to buy flowers for the house this month because hubby dearest had some delivered to work for me. I brought them home at the end of the week and now I have flowers for the house. :) I didn't take pictures of them right away (like a dummy) so my roses have kicked the bucket, but other than that they still look great! (Note our lovely snow storm in the background!)

57. Give a gift a month (3/29)

This month's gift was also just a small one. E got me an iPad for my last birthday so I now read all my ebooks on my iPad. My cuzzo bought a Nook Simple Touch on Black Friday but her oldest son hijacked it (which is good because it means he's reading :) ). I donated one of my sad, lonely, unused Nooks to her so she can use it and enjoy it. There is no sense having it lay around my house unwanted when someone else can put it to good use!

61. Dinner date with friends once a month (3/29)

D, her mom, and I went out for a girl's night Christmas dinner/shopping downtown on Friday. We started the evening at Maggiano's for dinner. Eating at an Italian restaurant always feels like a special occasion since they are not typically milk-allergy-friendly and we don't often get to eat Italian out. I behaved and looked up the menu and nutrition info beforehand and stuck with a more calorie-friendly meal choice of an appetizer Margherita Flatbread Pizza. It was phenomenal. So next time you can't decide what to get at Maggiano's you should definitely choose that. :) We followed up our dinner with a bit of shopping on the 16th Street Mall. It was nice to get out and have a child-free evening. That definitely needs to happen more often.

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