Sunday, November 25, 2012

Monthly Happenings

57. Give a gift a month

This month's gift was just a small one. One of my good friends and, incidentally, my movie night buddy, invited me to go see Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part II in theaters this weekend. As a thank you for the invite and for the small break from the mothering madness that is my life, I treated her to the movie. It's nice to get out and away for a few hours every once in a while, and it just doesn't happen enough so I was very appreciative.

I considered counting the movie as my "T" for list item 95 but decided against it since E has seen all the other movies with me. You should probably be grateful because I had a mouthful to say about Twilight, including my rant about how stupid it was that at the end of the movie they showed the names and faces of all the actors/actresses in ALL of the films, whether they were in the last movie or not... and left you feeling like the whole cast of these films died and we just attended their memorial. But as I said, I am not doing a review of that film. :)

64. Go swimming once a month

We took baby man swimming Saturday morning. He knew exactly what we were doing at the Rec Center and was so excited to hop in the pool. The boy loves the water. He was still going strong well over an hour into our trip. I really feel like we need to take him more just because he enjoys it so much. If only it wasn't such a huge effort to get there, get everyone changed, then after swimming repeat with half the energy.

Oh, by the way, BIG DAY at the pool this time. This was his very first time blowing bubbles (at least intentionally) and he was a champ at it!

Mommy, can I please take your phone swimming?!?!

65. Go to the zoo once a month

I started a new job last Monday and took a few days off between jobs. Since my mother-in-law wouldn't get to watch C on Friday (again) we made a date to go to the zoo. Unfortunately, Friday was a free day at the zoo. I have to say that I was more than bitter that I had to stand in line, which I never have to do since we have a membership, AND my quiet, peaceful, relaxing day at the zoo was trampled on by the mobs taking advantage of the free day. Now, if I were in their shoes I would have gladly done the same, but since I am a member I feel the right to be a tad bitter about it. :)

One of our first stops, and the definite favorite of this trip, was the sea lions! Every time the sea lion would go under the water C would say "uh oh...". Since C was so entertained watching the sea lion swim around and bounce in and out of the water we decided to hang around for the show. We got to learn about the tricks they do and the reason they are taught those tricks (like lifting each fin so the vets can check for any scrapes, sores, etc.). At the very end of the show the sea lion jumps into the water, swims to the other side of the exhibit, and jumps out of the water to hit the red ball suspended in the air with her nose. C LOVED it. He kept waiting for one of the sea lions to do it again and actually got mad when I tried taking him away from the exhibit. We eventually made our way away and went to check out other areas of the zoo.

The weather was pretty perfect considering it's already November and it was just an overall perfect day for a trip to the zoo. Despite the crowds we had a really good time and C was relatively well behaved the whole time, even when we were cutting into nap time. We stopped and had lunch at the new restaurant by the Elephant Passage and made our way home for a nap.

82. Learn to cook lobster

Doesn't that just look delicious? E and I stumbled upon a really great deal on lobster tails at Safeway a few weeks ago ($5 for two tails!) so we snatched up 4 tails just for this goal on our list. The hardest part of cooking the lobster was figuring out how to split open the shell wide enough. I don't actually know whether I did a good job or not... but hey, it tasted great so I think I did just fine. We ended up grilling the tails after pouring a bit of margarine, lemon juice, and garlic mixture on top.

95. Watch 26 movies we've never seen starting with each letter of the alphabet

IMDb - Prometheus

As hard as I tried, I couldn't weasel my way out of watching Prometheus with E. I had no idea what it was about going into it, but knew from the cover, the sound of the title, and the numerous times he told me the plot and I instantly forgot, that I was not going to like the movie. The first thing I asked when we started the film was, "Other than boring, boring, boring, what is this movie about again?". I was actually wrong about the boring part. There really were not any parts of the movie that made me want to fall asleep. It really keeps you pretty involved and interested. Everything was going great until we got to the mean, gross, creepy alien awfulness, and that is where they lost me. However, being the good wife that I am, I sat through the whole movie and let E watch this nonsense that they call entertainment. :) Moral of the story: total boy movie and I was right.

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